Saturday, October 29, 2016

Cake pops for my Daughter 's Birthday

I created a new tradition at home without thinking , every birthday I end up making cake pops I love it !!! It's time consuming but when you see those happy faces my heart melts , my oldest daughter for some reason she likes mustaches. I don't know why ? How ? She loves it . She got t shirts , pens and drawings . We were in Michaels looking for white chocolate and those mustaches were staring us lol  . OMG I wish I could take a picture , I just said " Go ahead !! . Her favorite color blue , so that's how these cake pops got her personality. I love you baby Girl . I cannot believe she is 10 . 

Apple Crisp with Apple roses

Last week I was the chef of the day , it's part of our program for service day . My menu was based on New England . I enjoy working with my classmates , however my favorite part was dessert . My chef and I decided to make some apple crips . I mentioned I saw a video about those Apple roses , one day before we made one , it was beautiful little big , therefore I made the roses smaller . It was a good experience 40 roses on October 25 to not forget.